1940 presidential campaignの例文


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  1. Years later, Hunter would support Republican Wendell Willkie over President Franklin D . Roosevelt during the 1940 presidential campaign.
  2. During the 1940 presidential campaign, Fields wrote a book entitled " Fields for President ", consisting of humorous essays in the form of a campaign speech.
  3. Roosevelt / Truman / Eisenhower Microphones were first installed in the Oval Office at the order of Franklin Roosevelt, who wanted to ensure accurate media coverage during the 1940 presidential campaign.
  4. On January 7, he was subpoenaed to testify before a Washington, DC, grand jury investigating campaign expenditures for violations of the Hatch and the Corrupt Practices Acts during the 1940 presidential campaign.
  5. During the 1940 presidential campaign, he and two other Republican isolationists were often denounced sneeringly _ and memorably _ by President Franklin D . Roosevelt as " Martin, Barton and Fish ."


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